Beleive it or not?…Don’t!

The first news that hit the nation as Benazir was killed was that of her being hit by bullets in the head and neck. Next morning Mr.President says that her death wasn’t caused by bullets but a shrapnel/splinter that had hit her. The doctor who had earlier given a statement on her death being caused by a bullet suddenly realizes that what he thought of as a bullet might not be one!
With that came a statement from the government that Baitullah Mehsud was involved in her murder as they had somehow intercepted his call to his accomplice in which he was stupid enough to mention how he had carried it all out and appreciated the act of his boys. Also, according to government officials, Osama Bin Laden could be responsible for her death.
The government suddenly changes its statement that she was hit in the head by a leaver in the sunroof due to being pushed to it with the force coming from the explosion. Also, the government suddenly realizes that Pakistan should be kept clean, so they wash the whole scene immediately after the incident.

I do not understand as to whether the government is full of high-quality idiots, or they think the public to be naive enough to believe in whatever they say, including their continuously changing statements and fairytales. They are simply wasting their energy by trying to convince and pacify the public with made-up stories that everyone knows do not have any solid ground!
They should try doing something different …just like the Lal Masjid incident went into background when Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry was cleared of his charges, as people went busy celebrating his victory.
They couldn’t wash things up, and all of their attempts to fool the public went in vain, rather they added to their anger; and the same is happening again. So I would suggest that the government stops making stories that suggest the denial of Benazir’s target killing, because we all know that it was; and this is no good measure to pacify the masses. They need to rethink their plans and redo their strategies, otherwise, the current situation would let things go entirely out of their control, which to a certain extent already have!